GAI nominated for Green Skills Award 2023

The Green Art Incubator, a Belgrade-based platform of experts and professionals in an interdisciplinary field, dedicated to capacity building and empowering actors in the field of culture and the arts towards green transformation, has been nominated for the prestigious Green Skills Award 2023, awarded by the European Training Foundation.

This award has been granted since 2021 to initiatives that, as the organizers state, are at the forefront of driving the transition towards a sustainable and green future, demonstrating exceptional commitment and innovation in promoting and developing green skills worldwide. Over the past two years, the award has become a platform for showcasing good practices that can inspire people around the world to create circular and carbon-neutral economies and societies.

This year’s competition received 600 applications from all over the world, and the European Commission presented the 10 finalists, among them the Green Art Incubator, on June 8th at a ceremony in Brussels.

One winner will be chosen through public voting on the European Foundation’s portal, which is open until September 29th, while an international jury will select two additional winners based on criteria such as relevance, innovation, replicability, and impact.


Through the design of its activities, the Green Art Incubator works towards initiating internal changes among actors in the field of culture and the arts, focusing on the adoption of environmentally sustainable management philosophies and work procedures, as well as on reflecting on and redefining the societal role of culture as an agent of change in this context.

The platform’s past projects and activities have primarily targeted professionals, representatives, and employees of organizations and institutions in this field, while this year’s programs will focus on working with young people—students of art faculties—who will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills of green artistic production at the start of their careers.

The first such event—an interactive workshop titled Re-shaping Art Skills for a Sustainable Future was held during European Green Week in Serbia, on Saturday, June 10, 2023, at the EU Info Center. It introduced participants to the concept of the climate crisis and its causes, reflected on the role of culture in the context of mitigating climate change, presented examples of best practices in green artistic production, and included a workshop on designing and creating project implementation plans in an environmentally sustainable way.
