Introduction to Green Theater: Event Focused on Production Processes in Theater Organizations

The event was attended by managers, producers, and other representatives and collaborators of theater institutions involved in various segments of these organizations, as well as students- the future professionals in the field. 

As the keynote speaker at the event, Iphigenia Taxopoulou, founder and General Secretary of the European Theater Network mitos21 and collaborator with Julie’s Bicycle, introduced participants to the possibilities of redesigning production approaches and business practices. The possibilities of transformation in individual theater sectors and production phases were considered, and various experiences of implementing green approaches were presented in the form of tools, guidelines, and examples of best practices in this field.

The event also discussed research conducted by the Green Art Incubator aimed at determining the practices and potential of Belgrade theaters in the context of green transformation. The results of this research are available on our platform.

Watch the event recording at the following link.
